Looking for new ways to improve leadership practice? self-leadership? teamwork?

  • Lean/time-efficient programs? 
  • Focusing on Practice? 
  • Growing efficient teams? 
  • A team workshop on your strategic business perspective? 
  • Coaching of individuals to increase resilience, self-confidence or behaviours?

Let Me Help You Succeed!

I’m skilled and experienced – and I’ve walked “in your shoes”.

I always combine “being” with “doing”.

I teach, coach and/or facilitate with focus on how people can translate their true nature into action.

I’m undogmatic and open-minded. I tailor my interventions to your realities and time limitations.

I’ve worked as a leader and in Corporate HRD. So I know your challenges and constraints. I also know how many coaching and training providers you may have to sift through to find the right fit.

I am the only Danish master trainer for Will Schutz’s body of work called The Human ElementJim Tamm’s wonderful and very practical concept called Radical Collaboration©, which combines negotiations and collaboration into 5 Essential Collaborative Skills, that have the power to totally eliminate hostility in a work-environment and turn it into a safe and collaborative place. 

Gary Copeland & Judith Bells incredible work that focuses on the customer/client/patient relationships. 

Steve Millers brillant work that combines the “Hero’s Journey” with the self-awareness of The Human Element© and its spinoffs.

Learn more …

In 2003, I launched Direct Leadership – a training concept for middle managers and team leaders.

Learn more about Direct Leadership…

What Sets Me Apart?

Many trainers and coaches focus only on the “being” aspect, being a good leader, a succesful employee, a project manager.

It’s a mistake to keep thinking and acting as if self-development and finding our authentic selves is all that leadership takes.


Being someone or something can’t be separated from “doing”.

Being productive professionals is a result of what we do.

Being good leaders is inseparable from what we do when we interact with employees and coworkers.

Without a strong focus on “doing”, there will be no transfer of learning from an intervention.

Choose Me…

You’ll get a solution that integrates a deep understanding of your challenges with practical and tangible tools.

Additionally, I don’t judge if you only require a couple of hours of my time.

My interventions range from ultra-short 2 hour interventions to personalised coachings and week-long certification programs. I accept the challenge of working within your time constraints while delivering excellence.

Together, we will create the intervention that fits your needs!

What Clients Say

“Since our program with you, we have make great steps forward and the collaboration has increased a lot. The workshop helped people realize that “maybe we need to do something more proactively”.

“Your energy and your advice regarding problems in regard to leadership and teamwork is so valuable”.

“You bring a wealth of wisdom, empathy and calm to your work”

“Your focus is that things must work in practice – you never settle for a fluffy solution”.

“You offer new perspectives on the world. This gives hope to everyone you meet that they play a role in their own life”.

Your deep respect for people makes you see and help individuals on their own terms“.


I’ve worked with all sorts of themes, people and programs.

Recent Clients

Chr. Hansen A/S, Enemærke & Petersen, Kvist A/S, Rambøll A/S, Boklok AB, Red Barnet, DJØF Efteruddannelse, TryZone, LeaderHubs. EMC Ledelse.

Many Formats

My work takes many different shapes: 2-hour intensives, Half-Day Workshops, Longer Training, Coaching, Facilitation, Lectures, Standardised Programs, Customised Solutions, Online, Blended Learning, etc.

My job is to understand YOUR uniqueness and help you spread your wings!

Take inspiration from the dragonfly who persistently goes forward through different stages in order to become the most high-performing creature on the planet.

Pick up your phone and call +4522120787 – or write to info@zastrow.dk

Copenhagen, March 2023

Karin Z

Let’s work together!

Call me on +4522120787

Or click here: info@zastrow.dk