Direct Leadership®

Leader is as Leader Does!

Leading without doing is no leadership. 

Direct Leadership®’s mission is to train and coach leaders of all kinds in the art of DOING what’s needed for employees to thrive and perform: 

Our solutions always include transfer of the new learning into everyday practice.  Always!

This is one of the many things that makes Direct Leadership® stand out from most leadership training programs.

A Unique Concept that’s been taught to 40000+ managers in 3 continents

– is a unique leadership concept, that…

  • holds the power to transform a leader’s existing and future competencies into engaging leadership action
  • combines with- and is a catalyst for all competence based leadership training
  • is focused on the kind of leadership that employees need to thrive and perform their best
  • concentrates on the leaders’s day-to-day leadership deliverables
  • makes leadership a question of effective deliveries – not exclusively of the leader’s personality

Finally a leadership training without clichés and old truths!

Click and listen to my talk with Rick Torseth about leadership and self-leadership

Direct Leadership® integrates seamlessly with other approaches

Direct Leadership® integrates seamlessly with other approaches

Good and effective everyday leadership relies on several skill sets:

  • the leader understands his/her the context (including national and/or corporate culture)
  • the leader understands human motivation and relationship preferences
  • the leader acts with integrity and inspires trust

But none of these will be translated into day-to-day, real-time presence unless the leader understands the leadership deliverables.

The first three come in many shapes and formats mainly based on personality models or competency frameworks.

The latter – the deliverables perspective – you can only find in Direct Leadership®.

This unique focus on leadership deliverables means that the Direct Leadership® model and method integrates easily and seamlessly with all other known approaches to increasing leadership effectiveness.

How it all began…. 

In November 2001. Only a few months after Karin Zastrow – the author and creator of Direct Leadership® – had completed a highly praised team leadership program for 400 leaders, she discovered that some leaders hadn’t improved at all in their day-to-day interactions with employees. 

While the leaders had enjoyed and learned a lot about relationship psychology and its impact on personal growth and teamwork, more than half of them were unable to transfer this new awareness into new practices. 

With this knowledge Karin began to look for “the missing link”. 

Her research took her through both the libraries of her local business school and INSEAD (the school she herself graduated from).

But when she found nothing in any of these places she took another path.

She began asking herself and colleagues in various HR functions to describe the nature of the complaints that were most common in relation to leaders. And now she was on to something. 

Making a long story short:

What this research led to was that leaders who couldn’t make the transfer on their own, needed a “job description that verbalised the behavioural aspects of everyday leadership = the roles and styles that middle managers, team leaders, supervisors, project leaders, etc. must make use of to fulfil their job responsibilities vs. their staff.

In fact, the initial Danish title of her book on the model was called “Hverdagsledelse” meaning “Everyday Leadership”. 

But long before the book was published Karin began to teach Hverdagsledelse (Direct Leadership® as it was called in English) as well as to develop a certification program and materials that she could make available to other training facilitators. 

As we speak, Karin has certified more than  70 Facilitators across and made the materials available in 8 languages (Danish, English, Dutch, Chinese, Japanese, Spanish, Indonesian and Swedish). And to this day more than 40000 managers have in some way or another been exposed to 7 roles and 4 styles of the concept.


Over the years, the program has continually evolved from a standardized 2-day classroom program and a board game.

For years, we’ve had our own leadership diagnostics – the Direct Leadership® Mastery Test. 

Now we’re in the process of replacing this self-assessment with the Direct Leadership® 360 Degree Assessment.

Thank you for your interest in this work. I’d love an opportunity to show you what we can do for you and your work culture.

For more information:

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